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Omslagsbild för K for Kara 12 - Riding Horses
Isbn: 978-87-1174-331-7
Förlag: Saga Egmont
Barn & Ungdom 9-12 år
Tillgänglig sedan: oktober 2018


K for Kara 12 - Riding Horses

Kara loves visiting the riding school, and she wants to spend time with Julie and Freja, the horse, every day. Rose wants to go to the club and sew their friendship scarves.

Kara tries to talk Rose into going with them to the riding school. It is not easy. Kara and Julie are going to ride Freja. And she is really looking forward to it…

This is the twelfth book in the series about Kara and her friends. The books are about friendships, school and getting older. It catches the audience exactly where they are. The books can be read independently of each other.

Line Kyed Knudsen (b. 1971) debuted as an author of children's books and books for YA in 2003. Since she has become one of the most popular authors for the age group in Denmark.

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